Ninjago, also known as LEGO Ninjago, is a popular multimedia franchise created by the LEGO Group. It was first introduced in 2011 and has since become one of LEGO's most successful and enduring themes. Ninjago is a combination of "ninja" and "go," and it centers around the adventures of a group of young ninja warriors who protect their world from various villains and threats. Popular characters are: Kai, Lloyd Garmadon, Jay Walker, Cole, Zane, Nya, Wu, Garmadon, Sensei Wu, Pixal. The central theme of Ninjago revolves around teamwork, friendship, and the struggle between good and evil. Ninja warriors have elemental powers such as fire, ice, earth, lightning. If you want - download free PDF file.
We hope you found a Ninjago drawing you like and printed it out for coloring. More coloring pages here.